반응형 Big Data/RDBMS13 [ Oracle ] 오라클 (hostname 변경 후 오라클 구동 오류.) 오류 해결하기. ( ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist) 에러 내용은 다음과 같다.. ERROR: ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory 그래서 오라클을 다시 시작해 보려고 #sqlplus /nolog #conn sys /as sysdba #password : 비밀번호 적기 sql>shutdown immediate sql>startup open위 명령을 실행해보았지만 실패.. 에러 메시지: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges왠지 리눅스의 hostname을 변경했던 기억이 스쳐 지나갔다. 리스너를 한번 보도록 하자.위치 : /u01/app/oracle.. 2018. 10. 6. Oracle SID INS-35075 - Keep the same SID [root@localhost / ] rm -rf tmp/OraInstall* [root@localhost / ] rm -rf /etc/oratab [root@localhost / ] su - oracle (login as oracle user for reinstalling) export DISPLAY="your machine ip from where you connected to linux for Interactive Oracle Installer Display":0 [oracle@localhost / ] ./runInstaller 2018. 8. 12. h2 database Error ErrorCodeThis class defines the error codes used for SQL exceptions. Error messages are formatted as follows: { error message (possibly translated; may include quoted data) } { error message in English if different } { SQL statement if applicable } { [ error code - build number ] }Example: Syntax error in SQL statement "SELECT * FORM[*] TEST "; SQL statement: select * form test [42000-125]The [*.. 2018. 7. 5. Database Sample Schemas 원문링크https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/COMSC/installation.htm#COMSC001 파일 링크https://github.com/benms/Ora11HRdb 2 Installing Sample SchemasDuring a complete installation of your Oracle Database, the sample schemas can be installed automatically with the seed database. If the seed database is removed from the system, you will need to reinstall the sample schemas before you can perform the steps .. 2018. 7. 4. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음 반응형